"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Matthew 7:16
The month of March has lived up to its name again this year. Notorious for coming in softly and leaving in a huff of swirling chilly winds, the month seems to have acquired a less than admirable reputation. None of us like cold winds finding all those places we are trying so hard to keep covered and warm, and then exposing them to the elements. March is the last brush with winter that most of the country will see until next year. Those chilly winds, as troublesome as they may be, come for a purpose. They play an important part in the future productivity of the fruit trees and vines from which we love to gather plums and grapes once summer is here.
God plans swirling changes in our lives much the same as He does the month of March. We don't always like the abruptness of these changes, but just as with the winds of March, God is looking forward to the time of harvest when He can gather the fruits of righteousness that He so very much wants to see in His children.
Well said, Carrie! Great post for the March CW blog chain. :)
Welcome to the Chain Gang. Here on the Oregon Coast we're definitely getting that March lion weather. I remember being told as a child, "Do you think money grows on trees?" Well, food does and it never ceases to amaze me.
Peace and Blessings
Carrie, I enjoyed your post today and learned something as well. I love how you wove the cold winds of March and their necessary place in the fruit harvest with unexpected, unwanted changes (cold winds) in our lives. Thank you for a beautiful image to remember.
By your description, it sounds like March is similar to the adolescent years between childhood and adult. Even though winter is giving way to spring, it's still throwing temper tantrums. Interesting perspective.
~ VT
Thank you for that. There are many times that I have to remind myself that God has a plan among all the winds of change.
So true that many of the fruit-trees need cold to do well. Won't it be great when the harvest comes? Enjoyed your post!
So true. If ever there was a month that examplifies 'swirling' it is March! Nice post!
I didn't know that the wind played a part in the productivity of the trees. I sometimes wonder if the same could be said of the destructive floods that we are still struggling with in many parts of Australia at the moment. I wonder what unexpected harvest God can bring out of the destruction.
That is so true.
You hit the nail on the head "We don't always like the abruptness of these changes". Life seems to be swirling through a wave of character-builders this month. Thank you for the reminder. It gives me hope for the end to the swirls.
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